If you’re reading this, that’s great news!
Regional groups are THE best way for grape growers to support each other and share local knowledge.
You can:
- Hear the experiences of someone who is further along the regen road than you are – learn from them what has worked and what hasn’t worked
- Start a Whatsapp group for when someone has a question and needs some advice
- Visit each other’s farms to see first hand what is happening
- Share which cover crops are best – maybe even give each other seeds
- Share equipment e.g. undervine strimmers, direct drills, hand planting augurs
- Share a grazer/shepherd
- Share knowledge of what grants are available and/or write a joint application
- Pay for a consultant experienced in regen to come along to the group
- And more (let us know how else you and your neighbours help each other!)
The group can be as formal or as informal as you like.
A huge part of regenerative agriculture is the sense of community coming together to help each other. So you don’t have to be implementing any regen practices to be in one, or start one. Just being interested and curious is all it takes…
If you are thinking of setting one up and would like some help, please let us know. We can:
- Share our experiences of setting up regional groups
- Inform local growers that are on our mailing list (if you want us to)
- Connect you with local consultants, organisations, etc who want to help
- Let you use our newsletter to share what you are doing
Go on, nothing to lose, lots to gain…